4.58% Raised
Rs. 114,400 donated of Rs. 2,500,000 goal
3 Donors

Floods are among the most frequent and costly natural disasters.

Your support helps those impacted by flooding in so many ways. Provide safe, dry shelter until families can return home. Serve water and hot meals. Play with kids staying in shelters. Ensure people with disabilities get the help they need. Distribute clean up supplies like mops, gloves and tarps. Meet with families to prepare recovery plans.
This year, India was hit by excessive heat in one part of the country and extreme rainfall in another. The latter caused floods and landslides, especially in India’s northeast Assam state. Floodwaters have inundated roads, homes, and buildings in parts of the state. In May, the Brahmaputra River, one of the largest rivers in the world, burst its banks in Assam, inundating more than 1,800 villages in 26 districts.
Your small online contribution can make a difference in the lives of poor children.